Nawrap Maruyama Linens

Maruyama Fiber Industry Co. Ltd was founded in Nara, Japan in 1930. They began manufacturing traditional mosquito nets that were woven from cotton and hemp fabrics. Mosquito nets later lost their relevance in Japan because of modern living and convenience. The traditional mosquito net fabric has since been adapted using traditional weaving technologies, into a line of multipurpose eco cloths. This absorbent, quick-drying fabric is perfect for the home. It is high quality, durable and soft. They have products that will work in your bathroom, kitchen, bedroom and more!


What is Multipurpose Eco Cloth?

Multipurpose Eco cloth is made from coarse fabric that was traditionally used by Japanese to make mosquito nets. Due to the increase of modern technology and declining demand for mosquito nets, materials were instead made to Multipurpose Eco Cloth while keeping its traditional weaving techniques.

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The Bath Towels are 100% naturally made. They feature a unique weave that is exclusive to Japan and are made without any dyes or chemicals. The persimmon and charcoal towels naturally absorb odor and bacteria and ideal for after the bath or shower.


Small Dish cloths are also popular both online and at our store with their antibacterial qualities. These dry quickly and are strong and with care last a long time.  
